
Adolescence Education

27 Apr, 2019

With a view to sensitize the students about how to cop up with adolescence age,  a very useful and informative talk was delivered by Mrs. Isha , Cordinator of  Proctor and Gambles. Students of VI , VII and VIII classes availed this opportunity and benefited from this talk. A movie related to growing age of adolescence was also shown to the students. Queries of students were sorted out on the spot by Mrs. Isha.


Scholars Felicitation Ceremony

23 Apr, 2019

In order to acknowledge and felicitate the relentless pursuits of Blue Bird High Scholars for achieving academic excellence  for the session 2018-19 , Achievers Ceremony was organised.  46 toppers of all classes were honoured with badges and four were awarded green ties. Mr. Arnav Rathore was honoured with green blazer for being the topper of his class for three consecutive years. Toppers who surpassed all academic milestones for four consecutive years were adorned with Luminous Badge and also availed half fee concession. The Principal , Mrs. Vandna Bhatnagar congratulated the achievers  for their academic excellence and wished for their bright future.


Talk on Legal Awareness

23 May, 2019

A talk on Anti Ragging and Children related laws was organized at Blue Bird High School by DLSA, Panchkula. Resource persons Mr. Vivek Goyal (CJM/Secy of DLSA, Panchkula), Mr. Puneet Sharma and Gajendra Nautiyal (State coordinator of Child Protection, Haryana) motivated and guided the students about  Provision for Child Labour, Protection of Children from Sexual offences, Right of children to Free and Compulsory education and Entitlement to free legal services.  The main aim of the talk was to spread awareness among students on various Socio-Legal issues. Talk was concluded with the message to spread knowledge of legal rights and duties amongst the students to make them responsible citizen of the country. It was really a very informative and useful talk.