Hand Wash Activity
04 May, 2019
Healthy habits once established persist throughout our life. Schools are the best paradigm to set in these good values. For realizing this goal, a healthy awareness activity- ‘Hand Wash’ for all students from class 1st to 10th class was organized. Students wrote eye-catching slogans on paper, hands and learnt the importance of washing hands. They really enjoyed this activity and it proved to be quite useful.
Labour Day Celebration
01 May, 2019
In order to recognize the importance of services rendered by the labour class, and to honour them on the occasion of Labour Day, a special programme was organized in Blue Bird High School. During the assembly period , a speech regarding the importance of this day was delivered followed by reciting of the poem. The little ones of II class presented enactment of different roles and a skit so superbly. The Principal lauded the services of these employees and wished them sound health. All the fourth class employees of the school were awarded gifts.
Adolescence Education
27 Apr, 2019
With a view to sensitize the students about how to cop up with adolescence age, a very useful and informative talk was delivered by Mrs. Isha , Cordinator of Proctor and Gambles. Students of VI , VII and VIII classes availed this opportunity and benefited from this talk. A movie related to growing age of adolescence was also shown to the students. Queries of students were sorted out on the spot by Mrs. Isha.